How do you photograph a phobia?

This VSCO commissioned series looks at rare phobias that disturb the mind.

Brussels-based artist David Delruelle was asked to visually interpret the phobias that plague people all around the world.  In collaboration with VSCO, an online photo-sharing and editing community, Delruelle developed a series of collages that explore intense fears like Diplophobia, the fear of double vision; Philemaphobia, the fear of kissing; and even Koumpounophobia, an intense fear of buttons.

His collages are as unnerving as they are enlightening. Delruelle, who describes the pictures as “disturbing”, made the collages using archived imagery from the 1950s and 1960s. According to Feature Shoot, this was an era in which ongoing paranoia surrounding the rise of communism prevailed.

Koumpounophobia — Fear of buttons
Chronomentrophobia — Fear of clocks
Diplophobia- Fear of double vision
Chaetophobia- Fear of hair
Trypophobia – The fear of holes
Philemaphobia - Fear of kissing
Catoptrophobia- Fear of mirrors
Technophobia- Fear of technology