From the Series

Neil Stemmet is a Cape Town interior designer, collector and curator, who has received acclaim for his timeless, Earth-friendly projects. Author of cookbook Sout en Peper, he is also known for his restaurant designs like Cuvee and the Van Niekerk Tasting Lounge at Simonsig, and Towerbosch Earth Kitchen at Knorhoek Wine Estate. We asked him how designers can feed the world?
Designers, editors and architects reflect public knowledge. By understanding the importance of our role and being conscious about our design ethos, we can help to change the world. We should all make home-grown food, even in pot plant containers, a way of life. Imagine sweet cherry tomatoes picked from your balcony, or crisp courgettes – it is possible, you can grow potatoes in a garbage container. We should encourage neighbourhood allotments where we grow vegetables and fruit as a community, and show children that from a seed you can grow a harvest of the sweetest peas. Do neighbourhood get-togethers in our allotments and cook a meal, with only earth harvest; share the joy and the sun, and create happy memories