From the Series

Claire Renard is part of the French product design studio 5.5 designers, who developed a futuristic urban foraging guide for Design Indaba's Protofarm 2050 project in 2009. Food is one of Renard’s favourite topics. She says:
You can say that it depends on your culture, who you are and where you come from as to what your food culture is. For some it is vital, for others, food is above all a pleasure, and yet others try to control it. But what is surprising about food, is that you can also be all these people! It depends on the value that you grant at the time…
Monday, you stuff yourself with a sandwich in the metro between two meetings. Wednesday evening, you appreciate sharing good food with family. Thursday, you read an article about the benefits of soya in a magazine and you decide to take care of your body. Saturday, you’ve forgotten the soya and go try a new meat restaurant with friends. Followed by a boring Sunday evening with nothing in the fridge, but you need to eat…