Mount Trashmore, a former garbage dump situated on the outskirts of Brockton, Massachusetts, recently underwent a total rebirth that reflects 21st-century eco-friendly sensibilities with help from Onyx Renewable Partners, a company that specialises in making sustainable energy a viable prospect for small municipalities.
Dubbed for the putrid odour that used to emanate from the landfill site and pervade surrounding neighbourhoods, Mount Trashmore now boasts a huge solar array system that puts the city of Brockton well on track to achieve its sustainable energy goals. The landfill area had been inactive as a garbage dump for some time (to the delight of nearby residents) and now the space has revitalised as a clean energy hub.
According to the mayor of the city, Bill Carpenter, the benefit of refurbishing Mount Trashmore in collaboration with Onyx is twofold.
“For the city to be able to take a closed landfill, a completely nonproductive site, and be able to now create this solar field here is a big win for this city and the residents,” said Carpenter, speaking at the opening event, “This has a substantial positive impact in Brockton’s efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. There’s also a financial incentive.”
Mount Trashmore is estimated to counterbalance the carbon emissions of approximately 12 000 cars (or 5 500 homes) each year by producing energy drawn solely from sunshine. Could this repurposing of a dead urban space in the name of sustainable energy serve as an example for other municipalities around the world?