#DITakeover on Instagram: Marije Vogelzang

Food, a musical swing and red stockings populated our Instagram account as “eating designer” Marije Vogelzang took over.

Tagging along with “eating experience designer” Marije Vogelzang is not exactly dull work. The curator of  of the widly successful Eat Shit presentation by Design Academy Eindhoven for this year’s Milan Design Week and one of Fast Company’s 100 Most Creative People in Business 2015, Vogelzang treated us to a lively, thought-provoking and fun trip when she took over the Design Indaba Instagram account last week.

We thought we’d get a week in Amsterdam with Vogelzang but she took us to Montréal, Canada where, wearing bright red stockings and a blue-blue dress, she spoke at C2, the international business conference.

The most memorable moment? When she captured a beautifully poached egg that resembled a meringue and tagged it as only a foodie would: “#poachedeggsareheaven”.  Or when she proposed the idea of saffron honey. It’s a tough choice.

Check our IG account for more images from Vogelzang’s takeover. This week the #DITakeover goes to the Italian duo behind Netherlands-based Studio Formafantasma.


"All alone in my studio because of Pentecost (national holiday) Very enjoyable with Damien Rice in the background creating a beautiful atmosphere. #DITakeover "
“Packing some goodies. I'm leaving for Montreal today to speak at c2mtl .Other speakers include Chelsea Clinton, Andre Agassi and Alec Baldwin #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang
“Just finished my concept proposal for a project with a saffron farmer in Groningen (the north of NL) Trying to find a way to make saffron honey. Saffron blooms in autumn so I'm not sure yet if it's possible. Any advice? #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang
"Poached egg landscape. Just woke up in Montréal for C2mtl. #poachedeggsareheaven #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang
"Ending the day on the mountain overlooking the city of Montreal, Canada . #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang
"Aand it's done! It went very well, a super enthusiastic audience at #c2mtl I'm happy and grateful to be able to share my story. It's great to get such positive response! #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang
"The container-café's at #C2mtl are very nicely decorated. Very charming especially for a business conference! #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang
"Great experience 'in the mouth'. Eating a dish while listening to a story of sensorial challenges and texting the results. #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang
"After a short night, back again in tiny playmobile country at sunrise. #DITakeover by @marije_vogelzang

Watch the Talk with Marije Vogelzang