A card game for positive vibes

If a random act of kindness comes into your life, pay it forward.

Conceptualised by South African entrepreneur Marc Buhrer, Game for Humanity is the complete antithesis of the popular Cards Against Humanity. Buhrer’s creation is all about paying forward random acts of kindness to make the world a little bit easier to thrive in.

Game for Humanity by Marc Buhrer

The aim of the game is to perform a random good deed for a stranger or a loved one. Once you’ve performed this act, pass the card on to the person on the receiving end of the act. It will then be up to them to perform the same act of kindness and pass on the card to the recipient of their act of kindness.

So far, the game has garnered considerable online attention and supportive social media community. Stocked in South Africa, the game aims to add a lighthearted and thoughtful element to the day-to-day lives of its users. With it, you’re encouraged to let someone skip the queue, buy someone a coffee, give someone a rose or simply make someone smile.

Game for Humanity by Marc Buhrer

In the future, Buhrer hopes to develop an addition for the office that encourages camaraderie, a school edition aimed at anti-racism and anti-bullying, and a health & wellness edition that encourages self-care.

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