The Design Indaba Expo at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 2 to 4 March 2012 is the go-to destination for buyers sourcing the latest and best in home-grown, high-end South African design – from furniture and fashion, to décor and craft, and much more.
Local and international buyers are invited to register now for the Design Indaba Expo 2012 to take advantage of great facilities and exclusive offerings that will make your creative shopping experience more pleasurable.
Design Indaba Expo 2011 boasted:
- Nearly 400 exhibitors
- 38 000 visitors
- Over 400 local and international buyers
- Media coverage to the value of R29 million
In 2012 we anticipate being even bigger and better!
So what’s in it for buyers?
Your registration fee of R200 entitles you to the following benefits:
- Accreditation by name, company and country to allow better interaction with exhibitors and media.
- Access to the Design Indaba Expo for four days.
- Exclusive preview of the Design Indaba Expo floor on Thursday 1 March 2012, from 2pm.
- A Buyers Pack with additional information and resources on the Design Indaba exhibitors and the City of Cape Town.
- Special accommodation rates reserved for registered Design Indaba buyers.
- A copy of the Cape Town Design Route with a map and list of our exhibitors' stores and studios.
- A year’s subscription to Design Indaba magazine.
Should your company wish to send more than one person, additional members are offered a discounted rate of R60 and given the same benefits as stipulated above. Except that discounted buyers don’t get a separate subscription to the magazine.
What are you waiting for? Register today for a creative shopping experience like no other!
The 2012 Buyer Registration Process:
- Click here to go to the Buyer Registration page, choose a payment method, fill in the form and submit.
- We will then send you regular updates on the Design Indaba Expo 2012, including new exhibitors, product launches and show schedules.
- Upon arrival in Cape Town on 1 March 2012, proceed to the Buyer Registration Desk at the CTICC to receive your accreditation and pack... And then simply enjoy the Design Indaba experience.
For more information please contact Shaunnelle at shaunnelle@interactiveafrica.com or +27 21 465 9966.
Fine print
Representatives from companies who retail or buy any form of design products through a physical or online store will be accepted as Design Indaba Expo buyers. Buyers must arrange own transport and accommodation. Design Indaba reserves the right to refuse official buyer status to any individual or company, at their own discretion.