Part of the Project

Take a look inside the kitchen cupboards of nearly every South African home and you’re sure to find Ouma rusks, Yum Yum peanut butter, Glenryck pilchards and Mageu Number 1. Not only are these all great tasting, but they’re iconic local brands and a part of our daily lives.
Yet even iconic brands need a creative makeover every now and again. That’s why Design Indaba and Foodcorp Consumer Brands is challenging young creatives at some of the country’s leading design institutions to reimagine the packaging design for these much-loved products.
The Foodcorp Design Challenge asks what creativity will hold for the future of Foodcorp’s iconic brands. In addition to creating a new packaging identity, creatives are also tasked to produce ideas for the effective marketing and advertising of these brands. The challenge seeks to discover creative ways of taking these brands to a new level for Foodcorp’s loyal South African consumers.
Food and design, and the space where they converge is highly topical at the moment. The food edition of Design Indaba magazine, due out in November 2011 and guest edited by Marije Vogelzang, will also look to this theme. Says Vogelzang: “Designers cannot get closer to people than to make a design that becomes part of the body.”
Julliette Morrison, group marketing director of Foodcorp says: “Foodcorp continually demonstrates a commitment to producing award-winning foods and we are just as committed to growing young local talent.”
There are great prizes up for grabs for the winning design, including an Apple Mac and R5000 in cash for the students, and R10 000 for the school from which the winning student hails.
Keep an eye on for the winning entries.