Most Beautiful Object in South Africa 2018
Join the search for South Africa's Most Beautiful Object in Design Indaba's annual competition and exhibition that challenges aesthetic sensibilities, asking - What is beauty?

Experience this year’s selection of thought-provoking beauty in South Africa in a dedicated exhibition at Design Indaba Festival 2018. Which object should carry the title of Most Beautiful Object in SA? Make your voice heard! Examine each nomination up close at the Artscape Theatre and cast your votes before the winner is announced on 23 February.
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Event Information
Venue:- Wednesday, 21 February, 2018 (All day) to Saturday, 24 February, 2018 (All day)
Design Indaba's annual search for the Most Beautiful Object in South Africa for the year challenges notions of beauty in design, asking the public to vote for the best of 10 nominations.
Join the nation in a vote for the Most Beautiful Object in South Africa for 2018.
Most Beautiful Object in South Africa 2018 competition will culminate in an exhibition at the Artscape in Cape Town as part of the annual Design Indaba Festival.