Does your brand have a blog? We’ve searched for the Top Business Blogs in South Africa and have selected a few that successfully combine effective design, images, well written content and functionality, making them worth the visit.
These Top Business Blogs are a crucial part of an online marketing strategy for businesses. Although blogs have yet to really take off in South Africa on the business front, their importance in online marketing is undeniable. Blogs for business are becoming the way of the future and they can be used to connect with customers, grow one’s online community and hence further the reach of the brand.
Here’s to the Top 10 Business Blogs in the country!
7. Design Indaba
Although not a business per say, the Design Indaba blog certainly deserves mention. Design Indaba is the most popular design expo in the country and their blog truly boasts South Africa’s talent. The blog showcases a range of unusual and captivating designs and crafts. It is minimalistic in design yet each post contains a main and bright captivating image. In particular, we love the Madiba-inspired fashion post which depicts clothing inspired by Mandela’s colourful apparel.