Globalisation, technology, recession… Business sure has gotten complicated in the 21st-century. With businesses competing on a global platform, things can’t simply be cheap anymore. Competitive differentiation comes through strategy, quality, service, accessibility and production; in a word: Design.
“It is absolutely critical to make design an integral part of business school education and not an elective, as it is in most schools. It has to become a core part of the curriculum because we are no longer in the business of shrinking, streamlining and tightening. We’re in the business of growing, expanding and creating, and that is what design does best,” explains Bruce Nussbaum.
Former assistant managing-editor at BusinessWeek, Nussbaum founded the award-winning “Design & Innovation” online channel and NussbaumOnDesign blog in 2005, as well as the quarterly IN–Inside Innovation supplement in 2006. Now professor of Innovation and Design at the Parsons School for Design, his cross-pollinating influence has been widely recognised by the media, industry bodies, awards councils and, most importantly, the changing face of business today.
Think design with Bruce Nussbaum at the Design Indaba Conference from 24 to 26 February 2010.