Take 2: Second Life of Objects, a Design Indaba project, is a curated selection of furniture and functional homeware design, both local and international, that celebrates the creative ability to breathe new life into old things.
Each element on this exhibition stand – even the stand itself – is an embodiment of designers' vision to give defunct, redundant or discarded objects a second life by reconceptualising their function or reprocessing materials.
From Quazi Designs’ cluster of pendant lights made of old newspapers to The Red Dog's shopping trolley-cum-lounge chair, the work represented here makes us stop to consider our endless consumption of so-called "new and improved" stuff. The exhibition begs the questions: Do we need more new things when the old present such endless possibilities? How do we reincarnate products that already contain the DNA of their first life?
Visit Take 2 at Design Indaba Expo 2015 and help answer the question: Is trash the new raw material?