Who made my clothes?

Fashion Revolution Day encourages consumers to be more aware of the fashion supply chains they buy into.

Today, 24 April 2015, is Fashion Revolution Day. Timed with the anniversary of the death of 1133 factory workers in the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2013, the Fashion Revolution is a global initiative that promotes ethical fashion.

Fashion Revolution demands that consumers make more conscious decisions about the clothes they buy, understanding that when they purchase a garment they buy into a whole supply chain of values and relationships. The campaign tries to make consumers more aware and more accountable for their decisions.

Last year 55 countries were involved, and this year over 70 are taking part in the campaign, including South Africa.

Fashion Revolution South Africa is holding an event on 24 April at Bello Studios at The Biscuit Mill in Cape Town. During the day there will be a series of workshops and industry talks. From 6pm onwards Roots to Retail, a sustainable fashion film by Ernst Heusser (winner of a Bokeh Fashion Film Award 2014) will screen. It features local designers and an exhibition of 24 portraits of local designers including Lalesso, Laduma, Selfi, Jackie Burger, Good Clothing, The Joinery, and Ballo eyewear.

On Saturday 25 April there will be a pop-up shop at Bello Studios for Local Sustainable Designer Day.

The Fashion Revolution website has resources available to download for retailers and consumers to join in their campaign. You can also take part by using the #WhoMadeMyClothes hashtag on social media.

It took such a substantial tragedy and loss of life to shake up the fashion industry. Fashion Revolution says enough is enough.

Watch the Talk with Issa Diabaté