Vibe-ing explores the possibilities of self-healthcare in textile design

An innovative garment joins the ranks of high-tech fashion by combining vibration therapy with textile technology.

From the Series

Vibe-ing. Image by Hanneke Wetzer & Bas Berends
Vibe-ing. Image by Hanneke Wetzer & Bas Berends

Vibe-ing is a garment designed with built-in vibration therapy technology, designed to target specific problem points of the body. The innovative textile is the creation of Kristi Kuusk – a fashion designer committed to designing sustainable smart textiles with a craftsmanship approach.

Kuusk looks at how technology can be incorporated into fabric for healthcare purposes. The Vibe-ing garment is fabricated out of merino wool and designed with knitted pockets. Inside the pockets, there are small sensory devices, which are receptive to touch and vibrate specific pressure points on the body.

The vibration actuators in the textile pockets make the garment fully customisable, allowing users to programme the location and type of vibration on the body according to their specific rehabilitative needs. The garment is a self-treatment tool that is particularly helpful for elderly people suffering from arthritis and muscular stiffness.

On her website, Kuusk explains that “the aim of this design was to inform a multi-disciplinary audience about the opportunities of integrating textile and vibration, for self-healthcare services at home and in everyday activities.”