Modular homes that have a positive impact on their owners and the environment

These prefabricated homes are designed and built to generate more energy than they consume.

A construction design company in Australia called Archiblox has built prefabricated modular homes that go beyond simply being a house. The homes are manufactured to leave a low environmental footprint during manufacturing and produce zero emissions after construction. Called Carbon Positive Homes (CPH), the dwellings make additional positive contributions to their surroundings by generating more energy than the home requires.

The homes conserve water, are energy efficient and are spaciously designed using eco-friendly materials such as low formaldehyde products and VOC paints. These additions improve air quality and flow, protecting the health of the occupants.

These healthy homes also feature passive cooling and heating techniques accomplished by taking local weather patterns into account in their design. Green roofs and sliding walls block out sun penetration while double glazed, argon filled windows maintain the internal temperature.

The appliances and fixtures in the homes are of AAA rating, reducing their energy intake and output. A rainwater harvesting system is included in the design. It collects water for gardening, laundry and the toilet refuse system. Solar paneling generates all of the home’s electricity and it has been fitted with hard floors as an alternative to carpeting, preventing harmful bacteria and pests that commonly found in domestic carpeting.

Using fewer materials, the designers were able to maximise on the utilisation of space, keeping spaces bright and clean. The low-maintenance homes are also built to withstand various forces of nature.