Integrated hospitality

Eat, drink, sleep, browse, pamper and be inspired at Hôtel Droog, a new cultural hub in the heart of Amsterdam.

Whether you are in the mood for a drink, browsing art, attending a lecture, shopping or spending a night, Hôtel Droog in Amsterdam is the artistic place to be.

With an aim to create a cultural home in the heart of Amsterdam, Hôtel Droog offers a hospitality experience like no other. The traditional essence of a hotel is rethought to provide a unique and culturally rich daytime experience in addition to providing ten rooms for overnight visitors.

In line with Amsterdam’s historic architecture, Hôtel Droog maintains the 17th Century building, only altering it ever so slightly to create an inner courtyard façade. The Fairytale Garden, designed by French designers Claude Pasquer and Corinne Détroyat, works with the courtyard to create a space for ample relaxation.

The Gallery serves as an exhibition space, curated by Droog or specially invited curators. It not only plays host to latest design showcases and previews of upcoming events but also acts as an interactive space for workshops.

The Dining Room is positioned to look out over the beautifully maintained garden and offers a traditional homemade menu. Other features include shopping and beauty treatment areas situated in intimate spaces.

"Hôtel Droog brings all of our activities under one roof – from curation to product design, exhibitions and lectures – and invites people to plug in as they chose", says Renny Ramakers, co-founder and director of Droog.

Watch the Talk with Renny Ramakers