Every drop counts

Inspired by a sign to “Please Use Water Sparingly” Paul Priestman of Priestmangoode created an object that helps reduce your water usage.

We all know that we need to use water more sparingly. We also know that in terms of water consumption it is better to shower than bath. But are we really aware of how much water we use when we shower?

Inspired by a sign in a hotel that called on people to “Please Use Water Sparingly” Paul Priestman of Priestmangoode created an object that helps to reduce your water usage. The Waterpebble monitors the amount of water going down the plug hole and then indicates, with the use of robot-coloured lights, whether you should be finishing up or could spare a few more seconds.

The Waterpebble memorises your first shower and uses that as a benchmark for the amount of water you should be using. The device is placed close to the plughole. While it flashes green you can enjoy your shower, when it goes to orange you need to start finishing up and if it goes to red you’re using too much water.

Each time you shower the Waterpebble automatically reduces your showering time by a small fraction, which means that you gradually save more water without having to think about it.

Watch the Talk with Paul Priestman

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