Relajaelcoco: Data-driven graphics

Spanish graphic design studio Relajaelcoco believe that good vibes and a relaxed mind are the key to the creative process.

Creative duo Francesco Furno and Pablo Galeano founded Relajaelcoco while they were finishing their studies in Barcelona. Together they transform data into infographics that translate the important information into visual metaphors that catch the attention of the user. As far as possible, they try to minimise the text in their work. 

“If you can explain that with data, you don’t need words of text to explain anything else,” says Furno. “The title and the intro must be so powerful – to give in a quick way the information that the user has to receive.” 

As a studio they work with very few rules, beers open often, music always in the background (Galaeno even has Dj mixing decks on his desk that he uses to create ecclectic office background music and quirky soundtracks for their work) and there is little-to-no hierarchy amongst their growing team. Their philosophy is that good vibes breed good work. In fact, their studio’s name literally means “relax your mind”.

But – as well as relaxation – the designers at Relajaelcoco believe that risk is critical to the creative process.  

“Risk everything, it means that you are trying to understand that there is a small struggle between the client and the designer where the client doesn’t know how to communicate something and be effective. Meanwhile the designer knows how to reach the perfect information to give love and emotion to the final user.”

Relajaelcoco presented at the Brief Festival in October 2016, Madrid.