Porky Hefer interview by Yvette Lambrecht

Filmmaker Yvette Lambrecht interviews Porky Hefer about his Cratefan installation at the V&A Waterfront.

Elliot the Cratefan has become an iconic structure on Cape Town’s urban landscape, representing Coca-Cola’s commitment to sustainability. In this video, filmmaker Yvette Lambrecht talks Elliot's designer, Porky Hefer from Animal Farm.

Lambrecht shot on a Sony EX3 and says the film really came alive when she met Hefer at his office. Later that evening she shot Elliot at the V&A Waterfront. Post-production, the edit was kept clean and simple to convey Hefer’s inherent charisma.

The film was Lambrecht’s submission for the Design Indaba 2011 Film Crew selection. Lambrecht is the director of Substance Films, a production company that specialises in socially relevant media. She produces and directs video for the web, television, documentary and educational use. In 2010, she produced and directing her first independent documentary, Dying To Stop.