A macabre sense of curiosity drew readers to the story about Pentagram partner Harry Pearce using his own blood to create a poster for the exhibition Questioning the Bomb, opening in September. The exhibition marks the 70th anniversary of the twin nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Our African Report on how Ntarama Church, the site where 5 000 Tutsis were murdered, is being memorialised came in second place. The church has stood untouched since 1994 and now steps are being taken to formalise the site.
Our #makechange story about the coastal communities who are flipping flip-flops washed up on the Kenyan shores into sculptural artworks was also popular.
Readers were intrigued by the graphic illustrations of Rendani “Missblaccdrop” Nemakavhani, whose work is inspired by the streetwise culture of inner-city Jo’burg.
Elbé Coetsee’s new book, Craft Art in South Africa: Creative Intersections, took readers on a lavishly photographed journey through handmade work.