Imagine being able to take your own clean energy generator with you anywhere you go. Weighing less than 700 grams, the Trinity wind turbine by Janulus is small enough to carry in a backpack, making it the ideal personal power supply for camping trips, hikes and sustainable energy production at home. It looks very much like a miniature version of the giant, white wind turbines that make you see in wind farms, the Trinity is named for its three white blades and three legs.
The technology in the Trinity battery is same as the tech found in modern electric cars: made of lithium ions. The Trinity battery can charge to full in only three to four hours and a single battery can charge an iPhone 16 times. The wind turbine is lightweight, easy to fold away, and can operate in winds as gentle as four miles per hour.
Trinity turbines come with USB ports, but larger turbines can also be attached to the home and used to power domestic appliances. Excess energy generated by a users turbine can also be sold back to the grid.
Two Icelandic brothers, Einar and Agust Agustsson, founded Janulus in 2013 when they moved to the US and were shocked by the high-energy bills. Their design offers homeowners and travellers the choice between solar and wind to generate clean electricity for their personal use. The turbine is currently on Kickstarter, and the brothers estimate that the products will reach their owners in April 2016.