Interior outlines

Lorenzo Nassimbeni recently designed a set of four murals for a Swiss company, all depicting prolific building in their portfolio.

Cape Town creative Lorenzo Nassimbeni was recently commissioned to design a series of four mural for the Swiss construction management company Coneco.

The brief tasked Nassimbeni with adding a unique feature to the interior of the Zurich building by depicting the four most prolific buildings in the firm’s portfolio. Another element of the commission involved enhancing Coneco’s corporate identity with iconic illustrations that represent the buildings the company has realised to date.

Nassimbeni explains that one of the critical features of the overall design of the murals for the space was the consideration of the return walls that work to form the office and study-area enclaves. “The mural illustrations were designed considering the three-dimensional aspect of the space on the left-hand side of the overall office environment,” Nassimbeni explains.

Browse Nassimbeni's gorgeous collection of cushions in the Design Indaba Shop.