Feeding 5000

Frost* Design created a quirky campaign for Sydney's first-ever Feeding the 5000 event, part of a campaign that aims to address the global issue of food waste.

Addressing the global issue of food waste, Feeding the 5000 is campaign that seeks to inspire and empower the global community around issues of food waste.

The campaign's flagship event, also called Feeding the 5000, gives members of the public a delicious free lunch, made from ingredients that would otherwise be wasted. Everything for the lunch gets made using still-fresh, but cosmetically flawed, ingredients that had been saved from farms, manufacturers and retailers.

For the first Feeding the 5000 event in Sydney, Australia, Frost* Design were commissioned by OzHarvest and the United Nations Environmental Programme to create a high-profile campaign for event. At the heart of the campaign is a strong message about the importance of reducing food waste. 

Frost*'s answer was an outdoor campaign comprising a series of 30 different posters, banners and flags for the event. 

Drawing on quirky references to deformed fruits and vegetables, the studio sourced images of non-standard produce created by German artist Uli Westphal for his “Mutato” project, that saw an ambitious campaign transforming the ugly into the hero. The images were accompanied by amusing phrases and sayings, often making use of puns or a play on words, which referenced the hero image.