African Bondage

Garth Walker's Winky font is a bondage-inspired font that has been published globally, but has rarely been seen in South Africa.

From the Series

First Published in

Garth Walker, founder of Orange Juice Design and iJusi magazine, and now founder of Mister Walker, was asked by Korean designer Ang Sang-Soo to design a font for the first Korean Typography Biennale about 10 years ago. Sang-Soo asked Walker for an “African” font, but there was just no such thing. Instead, Walker designed a font based on his interest in experimental lettering in Roman type. The font, entitled Winky, is a bondage-inspired font that has been published globally, but has rarely been seen in South Africa.

Garth Walker, founder of Orange Juice Design and iJusi magazine, and now founder of Mister Walker, was asked by Korean designer Ang Sang-Soo to design a font for the first Korean Typography Biennale about 10 years ago. Sang-Soo asked Walker for an “African” font, but here was just no such thing. Instead, Walker designed a font based on his interest in experimental lettering in Roman type. The font, entitled Winky, is a bondage-inspired font that has been published globally, but has rarely been seen in South Africa.