Morten Ydefeldt could be described as a modern day version of a great inventor, largely due to his passion for experimenting with modern technologies, rather than the 3D printed bowtie and old-fashioned suspenders he wears. Ydefeldt considers his background in industrial design a solid foundation that supports his ability to innovate in the fields of product development and rapid prototyping.
The Denmark-based designer refers to himself as a “maker,” a popular term often misunderstood as referring to artisanal craft. The maker movement is grounded in “an open-source way of thinking,” which involves collaborating on the design of software and hardware. It is a movement driven by solving problems and finding hacks to building prototypes or creating something with ingenuity.
In this interview, Ydefeldt discusses his current software work on computer controlled cutting (CNC) machines, and his on-going investigation into giving information a physical form.
I love to produce machines because I believe in giving people a canvas for them to design something on, says Ydefeldt. I would like my designs to contribute to the digital manufacturing of things.
By experimenting with software and machinery, Ydefeldt envisions the future of 3D printing on a significantly larger scale; where we would be able to put any material in one end of a factory-sized printing machine, and get a product out the other end.