Idealism (gone in 60 years)

India’s elite and middle classes fail to notice that their obsession with cash has left them morally and culturally bankrupt.

The Mahabharat

Krishna has a serious chat with Arjuna on the battlefield. Chariots, cosmic weapons, peacock feathers, long hair and heavy jewellery on a deep blue tan – idealism never looked so good.

“Man must do his duty, Arjuna. Do not think of the fruits, the results. “These are mine, those are not mine” – do not have such thoughts. A wise man treats all alike. Anger and desire dull your intelligence. Accept pain and pleasure in the same way. A man must understand and do what is right. Everyone that is born must die. Justice is more important than human beings. Arjuna, give up this base faint-heartedness, arise and do your duty.”

King Mahabali

It is said that Kerala witnessed its golden era in the reign of King Mahabali (meaning “great sacrifice”). During his reign, there was no discrimination between caste or class, there was no crime or corruption, and the King was loved by his subjects. Inevitably, such adulation inspired jealousy. The righteous King found himself on the wrong side of the mighty god Vishnu, and lost both his kingdom and his life. As a last gift, he was granted permission to visit his beloved subjects once a year. It is on this day that all the people of Kerala come together to celebrate Onam, regardless of their caste, sect or religion. A beautiful, loving tribute to their unforgettable King.

600 BC

Prince Siddhartha attains enlightenment and becomes “Buddha”, the “awakened one”. Karma goes mainstream, retaining its power and freshness many centuries later when Morpheus, Neo and co grapple with Agent Smith.

260 BC

Ashoka – “The Emperor of Peace” – renounces his bloodthirsty empire-building for Ahimsa, or non-violence. When India becomes independent, Ashoka’s Lion symbol is adopted as the national emblem of India, with the Ashoka Chakra (spinning wheel) forming part of the national flag.


Mahatma Gandhi – the most famous idealist of modern times – returns from South Africa to join the Indian Independence movement. He fathers a brand new nation, and peaceful political resistance gets its first real rock star.


Dazed and confused by a sudden influx of wealth, India’s elite and middle classes fail to notice that their obsession with cash has left them morally and culturally bankrupt. The nation that discovered interconnected destiny completely loses the plot.



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