6th International Design Indaba.
3rd Construction New Media Awards.
The Awards are held in conjunction with the International Design Indaba, and aim to celebrate and elevate the status of new media design. They honour and credit the designers, writers and programmers who produce challenging, imaginative interactive work - both on a creative and a functional platform. The Construction New Media Awards have grown from a national to an international competition, and entries from around the world are being accepted for the first time next year.
The inaugural Awards were launched in conjunction with the 4th International Design Indaba in March 2001. Entries were judged by some of the world's most exacting and most awarded designers, and supported by an overwhelming number of South African digital media design agencies. The 2nd Construction New Media Awards, held in March 2002, saw the introduction of a Student category, which was not only well received, but also gained considerable interest internationally. The first Grand Prix winner won a valuable work experience at Razorfish in New York, the second did the same at Hans Bernhard's studio in Vienna and this year's winner will get to spend a week in London! With judges Tom Roope (tomato), Lewis Blackwell (Getty Images), Malcolm Garrett (independent design consultant) and Simon Sankarayya (digitlondon) on the panel in 2003, entrants will be adjudicated by some of the best creative minds in the business. Based on feedback, the Award categories have been refined for 2003. There are three entry disciplines: Online, Networked Exe and Offline.
Online is divided into three sections: Self-Promotion; Non-Functional (entries must have been produced for client - corporate, branded and non-profit); and Functional (entries must have been produced for a client - corporate, branded and non-profit - and have interactive back-end functionality). This category includes Intranets and Extranets etc.
Networked Exe is divided into two sections: Self Promotion and Corporate.
Offline is also divided into two sections: Self Promotion and Corporate.
All entries can include submissions such as downloadable executables, kiosks, CD-ROMs, telephone applications and installations (e.g. screensavers, games, presentations that do not need speaker support, demos, entertainment, educational, training, catalogue programs, guides, etc.)
Student Award Any work done by a registered student is eligible for this Award. Entries must fall into the following categories: Online, Networked Exe or Offline.
For more information, check out the Design Indaba website on www.designindaba.com
Good Luck!