How do you coordinate these flash mobs? Do you use a loudspeaker? Hand signals?
I actually don't use the term flash mob. We began two years before the term was invented to describe someone else's project. Our events are only sometimes mobs and rarely over in a flash. Our events are coordinated in a variety of ways. We've used hand signals, mp3 players, synchronised watches etc.
Do you still do normal acting jobs?
I don't. I'm on an improv comedy team at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre and perform with them every Saturday night. But I stopped pursuing a career in acting long ago. Improv Everywhere snowballed into my full-time passion.
Do you take interns?
Unfortunately I don't. I work out of a home office and don't have space for anyone else! My video editor occasionally takes on an intern to help with the video stuff.
Are you ever worried that accidents would happen?
Sure, but that's a worry with anything you do. I design our projects with safety in mind.
Would you ever do an improv where only one person gets to experience it first hand?
Yes. See Romantic Comedy Cab and Ted’s Birthday.