A land of identities

Droog Lab's latest project "Identity Land: Space for a Million Identities" looks at how countries can achieve freedom from nationalism.

As multiple societies head towards the globalisation of ideas, people and goods, Droog Lab demonstrates the importance of national liberation.  

Teaming up with KesselsKramer Publishing founder Erik Kessels, Droog Lab has created Identity Land: Space for a Million Identities to highlight the converging of cultures. The showcase demonstrates that with breaking down national borders and national symbols, many advantages are present.

Identity Land: Space for a Million Identities was inspired by Belgium, a country that encompasses many different cultures and identities. Understanding that national identities can bring about isolation, stagnation and conflict, the project looked towards understanding identity in an open environment. 

The designers participating in the project all designed an aspect of a country that would symbolise freedom from nationalism. From mirror coins, transparent flags and football teams with unique shirts, each designer created something that opposed the definition of a country’s narrow and isolated identity.

Identity Land: Space for a Million Identities will also see the launching of an online platform where individuals all over the world will be able to donate square meters of private space to form a global post-national nation, as well as download toolkits for activism and join online conversations.