HUT: Architecture concept for a spiritual community

This Italian design group has conceptualised a meditative hub for Tanaf Village, Senegal.

KPRA is the name of an Italian architecture collective consisting of Piergiacomo Acerboni, Andrea Redaelli, Danilo Tomasoni and Michele Amadori. They have recently submitted a bid for the Kaira Looro International Architecture Competition (which challenges design groups to conceptualise a community-driven spiritual center for the Senegalese village of Tanaf) with the HUT design.

HUT is a multi-layered, elliptical structure that is meant to provide inhabitants of Tanaf Village a place of peace. The designers explored the concept of synergy between the interior and exterior facades of the building as it is meant to communicate restfulness throughout.

HUT design concept by KPRA

HUT features a main hall with a focal point for congregation as well as benches surrounding the space. It has a rainwater collector and underground tank to store water for times of scarcity. The openness of the central space is deliberate – in an emergency, HUT can be transformed into a first aid center.

HUT design concept by KPRA

The architects took the rural context of Tanaf into consideration, devising a plan to build HUT using limited resources and relying on local craft and manpower. It has a concrete base, handmade brick walls and a roof made of straw with supporting wooden frame.

It was KPRA’s objective to turn the design into a symbol for the village in which it would be situated, involving inhabitants in the construction process as well as utilising building methods already in practice in Senegal.

HUT design concept by KPRA