A device and mobile app that lets you grow pesticide-free, fresh food 365 days a year

No sunshine required to grow your own healthy food. Grow and monitor yours in your home at the click of a button.

The 21st century has seen some significant lifestyle changes specifically as it relates to food. People are demanding fresh, seasonal healthy food while being social conscious about certain farming methods. The good news: Farming is moving in! Gone are the days when the perfect crop had to be on a remote farm using specific soil types and additives – these days the perfect crop could be inside a window of a Cape Town apartment or in the lunchroom at a New York-based corporate office using controlled temperature, humidity, air quality and nutrition. And, this is precisely what CityCrop has done – sunless vertical farming.


Sustainable, fresh and modern

CityCrop is a forward-thinking venture geared at modernising and democratising farming for healthier, greener living. It’s fresh and healthy with the added benefit of pesticide-free food 24/7, 365 days a year.

This intuitive indoor garden has dimensions of 45 centimetres long by 45 centimetres wide and 88 centimetres high. It is completely supported by an app – available on iPhones and as well as its Android peers. In a tasty nutshell, it’s an automated indoor farming system that comprises high-tech elements that allow you to grow vegetables indoors, anywhere, anytime. The system is designed to accurately control humidity, temperature, lighting and airing. Using hydroponics, the system provides the plants with a channel that absorbs nutrients directly from the water. 

What is hydroponics? It’s a technique – that’s been practised for hundreds of years – used for growing plants without using soil with the plants absorbing nutrients directly from the water within which the roots grow. 


So, just how can people grow their own vertical farms? Easy, here’s how:

First, the CityCrop app needs to be downloaded (App or GooglePlay stores). This will allow you to connect to your farm aka CityCrop so as to enable regular live monitoring remotely from anywhere in the world. Next, plant your first seeds in the CityCrop soil-free hydroponic base. Finally, enjoy – CityCrop informs people about the status of your crop and exactly when it’s time to harvest your crops. Next stop, fresh food.