Designed by young Pakistani engineer Sanwal Muneer, Capture Mobility is a wind turbine that generates green energy from air created by passing cars on motorways. The mill has already received recognition from various organisations including Shell’s Live Wire and Let’s Go Trade awards, which acknowledge entrepreneurial innovation.
The Capture Mobility turbines stand at just over one metre and are powered by built-in solar panels. Instead of depending on natural wind to function, like standard wind turbines, Muneer’s mills rely on airflow created by passing transport on motorways, runways and even metro tracks. This means that the technology is able to take back the energy wasted by cars and other means of transport.
Each unit is able to generate seven kilowatts of electricity a day, which is enough to power an entire household. In addition to its energy-generating capabilities, the turbine has been designed with filter sheets that trap contaminated particles and emmissions in the polluted air.