Balloons are great for parties and then there are those guys in shopping malls that can turn them into something resembling a dog or a bird. But is it possible to make a large-scale installation using latex balloons? It is, and more than that, former street artist Larry Moss turns it into a work of art.
Moss not only creates installation but also sculptures and wearable fashion pieces from balloons. A keen interest in community art projects has seen Moss take his unique brand of creativity and turning it into something for all to enjoy.
Here's the wearable fashion:
The Fantastic Flying Octopus:
Soccer Players, which holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s largest non-round balloon sculpture.
Moss’s latest project, Airigami, is a “master works” series of eight balloon creations of some of the most recognised paintings in history, including works by Da Vinci, Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock.
All images: Airigami.