London-based duo The Workers, creators of four robots that enabled the public to explore Tate Britain at night, will speak at Design Indaba Conference. >
Africa's faded modernist buildings are a source of graphic inspiration for fashion designer Sindiso Khumalo, who will speak at Design Indaba Conference 2015. >
An eerie near-monologue laid over a mellifluous soundtrack by the provocative performance artist who headlines the lineup for Design Indaba Music 2015. >
Notoriously media-shy cartoonist Bill Watterson features in the comic-strip documentary film “Stripped”, to be screened at Design Indaba FilmFest 2015. >
Design Indaba FilmFest 2015 returns to South Africa's oldest indie cinema with a lineup of all South African premieres, and soon-to-be announced world premiere. >
Rosita Missoni, who co-founded the Missoni empire with her husband 62 years ago, will talk about her creative longevity at Design Indaba Conference 2015. >